Innovation for a green future
All over the world our burners are well known for its reliability, efficiency and performance

You can find our burners and parts all over the world

Our burners are high-technology equipment
Innovation for a green future
Bentone has passed many milestones. Here are some of the more important ones.

Innovation for a green future
For years we have been pushing the boundaries for more efficient burners and Bentone has since the start,
already back in 1954, been a key player in the global burner market. Our high quality and focus on the performance, and of course the safety aspect of our burners, is well known and as usual we are setting the trend for others to follow.
Niclas Persson, Export Manager
Product catalouge
With the introduction of Ecodesign and the Medium Combustion Plant Directive here in Europe there has been a clear strategy on our end with a focus on lowering emissions and meeting the requirement of RoHS. As many of you have noticed many models has been discontinued and also new models are being introduced continously.
Niclas Persson, Export Manager